Nobutaka Y. Dev

Nobutaka's Projects Page

Image Super Res

Upscale images by AI

Image Super Res utilizes advanced AI technology from Real-ESRGAN to upscale and enhance images.
It supports a variety of image types, including photos and anime/illustrations, with scaling options of x2 and x4.
Quickly improve the resolution and quality of your photos with the easy-to-use app.

Supported Image Formats:

  - GIF

  - HEIC

  - JPEG

  - PNG

  - WebP

Supported Models:

  - RealESRGAN x4 Plus: A scale x4 model designed for enhancing general images.

  - RealESRGAN x2 Plus: A scale x2 model optimized for upscaling general images with less enlargement.

  - RealESRNet x4 Plus: A scale x4 model that uses MSE (Mean Squared Error) loss, ideal for achieving high fidelity in enhanced images.

  - realesr general x4v3: A compact scale x4 model, offering a smaller footprint while still providing high-quality image enhancements.

  - RealESRGAN x4 Plus Anime: A scale x4 model specifically optimized for anime images, enhancing details while preserving the unique aesthetics of anime art.

For further information, visit the project's GitHub repository: Real-ESRGAN on GitHub.

Citation: Wang, X., Xie, L., Dong, C., & Shan, Y. (2021). Real-ESRGAN: Training Real-World Blind Super-Resolution with Pure Synthetic Data. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCVW).

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